Serving with transparency, a diverse workforce and collaborative strategies developed with the community.

Chief Louis

Message from the Chief

In my career as a police officer, supervisor, and through the ranks to Chief, I have always held a core value that Berkeley PD should be an agency of leaders at every level. Now more than ever I see the need for us to embrace this value in our relationships with our community as well. It is my vision that Berkeley Police Officers be valued leaders and participants in the Berkeley community.

In recent years our community and our country have confronted difficult facts about race and policing, and the effects law enforcement policies and actions have on our communities. I recognize the crucial importance of these conversations, and I will embrace the hard work of having this ongoing dialogue with our community. I am committed to being directly and deeply involved in the Reimagining Policing efforts our City has begun. My intent is that BPD will be an engaged and thoughtful partner throughout this process, with the goal of improving the lives and experience of everyone in our community. I am committed to being transparent about our policies and actions, to sharing data with our city partners and community stakeholders, and to carefully listen and improve our policies and practices in appropriate and intelligent ways.

One of the core roles of a police department will always be to protect people from violence and to combat crime. I am committed that Berkeley PD will continue to fulfill this responsibility with the highest standards for professionalism, integrity and honor. We will also work in service to our City, not only in our role as guardians but as community members.

Jen Louis, Chief of Police

Our Mission, Vision and Values

Our Mission is to safeguard our diverse community through proactive law enforcement and problem solving, treating all people with dignity and respect.

The Berkeley Police Department Vision is:

We will be a team of leaders at every level.  We will foster strong relationships with our community, inspiring trust through our service, building on our historic tradition of progressive policing, and dedicated to the safety of all.  As members of this community, we will provide proactive law enforcement and problem solving, holding these as our core Values:

  • Integrity: We are ethical, fair, and trustworthy in all we do.
  • Safety: We strive to keep our community and each other safe.
  • Respect: We fulfill our duties with dignity, compassion, and empathy.
  • Diversity: We value the strength of a diverse workplace and community.  We endeavor to reflect the community we serve, promoting inclusion and fairness.
  • Professionalism: We are committed to organizational excellence through progressive training, positive attitude and superior performance.

The Berkeley Police Department is committed to ensuring our community is safe and welcoming for all. Read how the Berkeley Police Department upholds our sanctuary city principles:

Workload Organizational Study

As part of the Reimagining Public Safety Process and a City Auditor's Overtime Audit recommendation, the Berkeley Police Department engaged Citygate Associates, LLC (Citygate) for a detailed study of its operations. Citygate was tasked to conduct a Workload Organizational Study of the Berkeley Police Department, including a review of the adequacy of current and future deployment systems, staffing levels, sustainable alternatives, beat structure, overtime, and organizational structure. The study aimed to propose organizational enhancements to improve service to the community while considering the morale and well-being of the police staff.

BPD received Citygate's final report on September 4, 2024. This detailed 147-page report contains 74 key findings and 54 specific, actionable recommendations. The department's command leadership will review the report, assess the highlighted opportunities and challenges, and identify plans for implementation as appropriate.

Furthermore, as part of the City Manager's Reimagining Public Safety Fall 2024 report, scheduled for October 29th, Citygate will provide an overview of their findings and be available to answer questions. The Department will also be present to address inquiries and discuss next steps, including priorities, implementation needs, and timelines.

Click here to read the report

What Are We Doing?

Maintaining open and transparent processes that inspire public confidence in our agency.

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Additional Resources

Annual Crime Reports

Read the annual crime report to understand overall crime rates and statistics for the City of Berkeley.

2023 - Written Report 2023 - Presentation 2022 - Written Report 2022 - Presentation

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